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Guards and Nils - A Love Story

What is a guard?

A guard is like an if statement with one additional requirement: if the condition fails, then you must return.

That’s it. It’s a way to easily check an arbitrary number of integrity preconditions without using deeply nested if/else blocks that lead to ugly indentation.

Guards turn labyrinthine, 2-dimensional and heavily-indented code:

if error != nil {
} else {
    if object == nil {
    } else {
        if == "" {
        } else {
            print("OBJECT ID IS: \(")

into concise, 1-dimensional and sequential code:

guard error == nil else {


guard object != nil else {


guard != "" else {

print("OBJECT ID IS: \(")

Isn’t it just cleaner? No indentation. A magical land where the linear sequence of code rather than nesting communicates the validity of integrtiy preconditions.

Why Guards Pair Well With Null-Safe Languages

Null-safe languages like Swift and Kotlin force you to answer the question “What happens if this object is nil?” at compiletime, rather than runtime.

So instead of receiving a surprising undefined or NullPointerException at runtime, or worse, in production, you receive compiler errors requesting that you as a responsible developer consider the null case.

Swift uses the question mark charcater ? to indicate that an object is either the object, or nil. We call this an Optional type.

Here’s an Optional string:

// optionalString is either a String or nil
var optionalString: String?

The ? indicates that optionalString is either a String or nil.

Under the hood, an Optional is just an enum with two types: .some(Wrapped) and .none. If it is .some, then the enum has an associated value Wrapped which is the object itself. Here it is in just four lines of code:

public enum Optional<Wrapped>: ExpressibleByNilLiteral {
    case none
    case some(Wrapped)

Swift provides a number of ways to unwrap Optionals. My favorite is called optional binding:

guard let person = optionalPerson else {
    return print("Person is nil! Must return!")

Optional binding elegantly combines three operations:

    1. Initializes a new variable called person
    1. Assigns the value of optionalPerson to person
    1. Forces a return if the optionalPerson is nil

Because we are compiletime required to return if the assignment of optionalPerson to the new variable person is nil, all code appearing below a guard can safely execute knowing that person will not be nil.

All that without a single if/else indentation!

Thank you Chris Lattner and anyone who’s ever worked on one of the almost 100,000 (Jan 2020) commits to Swift :-)